General topic

Q: I downloaded the program, but I cannot get the StartInstall.exe file to run so cannot load the program properly.  Please, do you have any suggestions?


A: Make sure that you are not starting the installer from inside the ZIP file. Windows has native support for ZIP  files and could show the contents of the ZIP file like a folder. However if one starts the installer from inside this folder it will not work properly.



Q: I downloaded а software package but when I try to unzip it I get an error suggesting that the archive is corrupt.


A: Not all zips are created equal. ZIP file created with one application may sometimes not be a valid ZIP to another application (or a different version of the same application). Try another ZIP software. A good package is the free 7-zip, available from



Q: I`m getting the following error: "Internal gds software consistency check (cannot start thread)"


A:  This issue arises due to a high number of simultaneous connections to the Firebird server. Each connection to a database reserves memory for caching database pages. The solution is to decrease the cache size for each connection.

This can be done in two ways:


Using the provided utility:

1. Download FDBConfig.exe

2. Close all applications that are connected to a Firebird database.
3. Run the provided utility "FDBConfig.exe" as administrator.
4. Select 256 from the dropdown list and then click update.

5. Close the application.


1. Close all applications that are connected to a Firebird database.
2. Open the Firebird installation folder :
-32 bit : "SystemDrive":\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_1"
-64 bit : "SystemDrive":\Program Files (x86)\Firebird\Firebird_2_1"

3. Using Notepad, open the file "firebird.conf". It is located in the Firebird installation folder.
4. Locate the row containing the following text "#DefaultDbCachePages=2048"
5. Replace "#DefaultDbCachePages=2048" with "DefaultDbCachePages=256"
6. Save the file.
7. Open Windows Control panel -> Administrative task -> Services.
8. Locate service with name "Firebird Server-DefaultInstance" restart it using "Stop" and "Start" buttons from context menu